In this section you can find frequently asked questions and answers to them. If your question isn’t included, you can ask it in the issues of official github repository of the course.


With time new frequently asked questions will be added to this section.

How can I run assignments on my own machine?

In order to run assignments on your own machine, you should do the following steps :

  1. Clone the official github repository git clone https://github.com/HikkaV/DS-ML-Courses/.

  2. Create virtual environment (either using using virtualenv or anaconda env) and activate it (see this).

  3. In the course folder go to assignments and install the requirements : pip install -r requirements.txt.

  4. Use jupyter notebook or other tool to work with assignments (you can run jupyter notebook by executing this command : jupyter notebook).

How can I contribute to the course to make it better?

We value every input that will make the course better, that’s why everyone is encouraged to follow the discussion in the issues of official github repository and make your merge requests.